The Crump Family Farm

The Crump Family Farm was established when Chris and I (Vivian) married in 1990.  We started with a pick-your-own strawberry and vegetable farm.  We had many other agriculture based business along the way.  In 2000 we bought my grandfathers dairy farm and with our 4 children moved to the farm that we   currently live on.  We now have a herd of Angus influenced beef cattle.  They are fed a ration of hay, veggies, and corn and soybean supplement.  Our cows calve May through June.  The calves graze with their mothers in their lush summer grass pastures all summer long.  In the fall they are weaned and are fed hay, corn silage, oats,  corn, and veggies.  We raise and grow our calves on our farm and retail them through our store.

At the Crump Family Farm we are passionated about the environment.  In 2019 we put in a grass waterway, rock chute and settling ponds to slow down over 500 acres of water that comes through our property.  We  took out our old winter pastures to help with the erosion control.  In them we planted over 3000 trees in the spring of 2020.  The surrounding fields were fenced in the winter of 2019.  These became the  3 new winter pastures for our cows.  Our fields have a dual purpose, we put a crop in the spring, it grows all summer and is harvested in the fall.   After we harvest the crop we plant a cover crop that is used for the cows winter pasture. 

In 2020 we renovated a barn on our farm to retail what we grow on our farm.  In our store we retail our own beef grown on our farm.  We have a mixed variety of hens that are free-range.  We have up to 9 different grains that we mill in our stone mill.  We mill flour fresh for customers.  They can be used to make the tastiest and the most nutritious breads muffins, and cookies.  We sell honey from our daughters local bee hives, and locally source a variety of other products we have in the store. We mill up to 9 grains including ancient  grains.  All this makes for a sustainable enterprise for our farm, that will last for generations to come.

From our Farm to your Family

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